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AutoSleep Update Arrive With Siri Shortcuts, Improved Apple Watch App and More

AutoSleep Update Arrive With Siri Shortcuts, Improved Apple Watch App and More

December 19, 2018

AutoSleep is one of the best sleep trackers available on the App Store, and for good reason. Living up to its name, the app automatically tracks sleep on the Apple Watch. And you don’t even need to wear a watch to bed.

AutoSleep Track Sleep on Watch

The app has recently been updated to version 6.0 with a number of additional features along with a revamped iPhone and Apple Watch app.

Probably the biggest new feature is the Siri Dashboard. You can see all of the information that the app collects about your sleep, and then you can Add to Siri using an iOS 12. Then, for example, you can give Siri a quick command to see how slept and more.

It also supports the Shortcuts app.

The Sleep Bank feature will let you know if you are in credit or slipping into debt. You can also ask Siri the latest time you can get to bed to ensure that you stay in credit or clear a debt.

Finally, the app will examine heart rate variability and waking pulse to give insight into your physical and mental state.

Designed for the iPhone, AutoSleep can be downloaded now on the App Store for $2.99.

The automatic sleep tracker has added and a number of new features included a revamped designed along with a wellness and sleep hygiene section.

AutoSleep Track Sleep on Watch
AutoSleep Track Sleep on Watch