Budget Burndown Provides an Easy Way Track Your Spending
While they are easy to find, most budgeting apps sport a significant learning curve that many turn some potential users off.

But the new app Budget Burndown is a simple and easy way to track and visualize your monthly credit card spending.
To start with the app, you’ll start by linking a credit card with high use. A third-party service Plaid interacts with the banks and all of the information is end-to-end encrypted and your credentials are protected.
After that, you can set a monthly spending budget for that card. The app will then automatically track spending and show that compared to your spending line. While the transactions will automatically appear, you can exclude a transaction from counting toward the budget amount, if needed.
Designed for the iPhone and all iPad models, Budget Burndown can be downloaded now on the App Store for free.
A Pro subscription is available for $4.99 per month. That unlocks additional features including the ability to link more than one card, custom notifications, a home screen widget, and editable transactions.
You can try out the Pro feature with a one-month free trial.
The app is simple and easy-to-use. Especially if use only one or two credit card for most of your spending monthly, Budget Burndown is a great way to keep within a budget.