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business intelligence

Lynkos Takes Your Business Intelligence and Networking Mobile

Digital Communicator
March 22, 2017

If you’re a business owner or manager, one of the most dreaded and stressful parts of your job is attracting new business. Social media helps, but let’s face it – the existing networks aren’t designed with the sales funnel in mind. A relative newcomer to social media, Lynkos, looks like it might be able to change that.

What Is Lynkos?

What Is Lynkos?

Lynkos is a platform for business-to-business (B2B) networking. Straight out of beta, it’s being used by more than 2.2 million businesses in 224 countries, across more than 900 industries, as an all-in-one way for companies to grow their business. It helps businesses network with one another, submit proposals, and secure projects. It also helps them send payments and maintain those B2B relationships through news feeds and other connections.

How Can Lynkos Help My Company's Business Intelligence?

How Can Lynkos Help My Company's Business Intelligence?

Whether you’re at your computer or on your iPhone or iPad, Lynkos can help your business in many ways. Once you sign up, Lynkos matches you with other companies you’re likely to be looking for. You get contact information for those businesses, so you can reach out to them to see how you can help each other. Discover new leads and other businesses that can help send your profits soaring.

Through Lynkos, you can also submit, review, and approve proposals for new business. Going a step further, you can create lists of companies and export them with all of their contact details to integrate with third-party apps or mailing list software.

Lynkos also allows you to manage all of your customers in one place. The customer relationship management (CRM) provided within Lynkos pulls information from more than 50 social networks to give you even more information about your customers. Maintain your contact information for customers, suppliers, and other essential communication partners, and have the details available from your computer or any of your mobile devices.

What’s It Cost?

What’s It Cost?

The core experience behind Lynkos is free, as is the iOS app. That gives you two users with basic CRM functionality, 750 records, and limited analytics. You also get the automatic lead search and business opportunities. Other plans, ranging from $19.95 to $139.95 per month offer even more functionality and features. If you want more information, download the app or visit Lynkos’ web page.

Lynkos for Business
Lynkos for Business
Lynkos S.A.