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Eleven Eleven is a Gripping, Interactive AR Experience

Eleven Eleven is a Gripping, Interactive AR Experience

May 30, 2019

Sci-fi fans should definitely try out the AR experience Eleven Eleven.

Eleven Eleven

From the SyFy network, the new interactive game is set on the island planet of Kairos Linea that is about to be destroyed. You’ll be able to follow the six main characters as the count down the last 11 minutes and 11 seconds before all life comes to an end.

All of the characters will try to survive by finding their way onto a transport ship that will launch into space just before the planet’s destruction.

You can watch all of the different stories and then replay them from a different perspective to unravel their connected stories.

Along with story mode, there are two other ways to play. In explore mode, you can freely roam the environment to discover more clues and details about all of the characters.

Goddess mode allows players to shrink the world and watch all of the action in miniature form.

Eleven Eleven is designed for the iPhone and all iPad models. It can be downloaded now on the App Store for free. You can try out one story of the game.

With an in-app purchase of $5.99, you can unlock the entire experience and play through all of the character’s stories and enable all of the different modes.

Eleven Eleven
Eleven Eleven
Universal Studios Interactive