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Filmic Jumps Into Still Photography With the New Firstlight App

Filmic Jumps Into Still Photography With the New Firstlight App

November 20, 2019

Filmic Pro is a must-have app for anyone looking to make better videos with their iOS devices. And the company is making a move to still photography with Filmic Firstlight.

Filmic Firstlight - Photo App

And just like the video app, Filmic Firstlight offers a number of professional features to help anyone capture a perfect image.

To start, you can tap the screen to set both the focus and exposure and tap it again to lock. You’ll swipe up and down to control exposure and left and right for focus.

Making adjustments on focus and exposure will automatically apply focus peaking or zebra stripes to help capture a great shot.

The app also offers a number of film simulations that are realistic tributes to authentic film stocks. You’ll also be able to apply film grain effects.

Switching lenses requires just a tap.

Filmic Firstlight is designed for the iPhone and can be downloaded now for free.

A premium version of the app can be unlocked with a subscription of $0.99 per monthly or $7.99 yearly.

With a subscription, you can take advantage of additional feature including shutter and ISO priority modes, expanded film simulation options, configurable focus and exposure control, RAW support, and more.

Filmic Firstlight - Photo App
Filmic Firstlight - Photo App
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