Heart Analyzer Update Adds Monthly PDF Reports, More Personalized Metrics
Heart Analyzer is a great third-party app that helps anyone better understand heart rate data captured from an Apple Watch. And the app has added a number of new features in the version 7.0 update.
One of the best new features in a monthly PDF report on heart rate data the can be exported into the Health app to view.
A new Heart Home feature provides personalized metrics including maximum and minimum heart rate, cardiac exercise levels, and more information about their fitness level. The new-look dashboard also features a new design giving quick access to other important information like hear rate averages and trends.
The entire app has also be redesigned to offer a simpler user interface that still shows all of the heart rate data.
Heart Analyzer is designed for the iPhone and can be downloaded now on the App Store for free. There are three separate in-app purchases available for $1.99 each.
The first purchase options allows you to view heart rate data further back than the two weeks available in free version. Another offers deeper analytics with the captured heart rate data. The final option brings customization options for the Apple Watch app.
On the Apple Watch, you can capture a live hear rate reading when opening up the app. And anyone with an Apple Watch Series 4 can select a complication with a heart rate data graph to appear on the Infograph modular face.