Keep Track of Your Movie Habit With Film Buff
No matter where or how you watch movies, you can keep a better track of what you're watching with Film Buff.
The main draw of the film journal app is that you can add movies you’ve seen and haven’t seen to a list.
For those films, you can add them to a list, sort each one, add them to a favorites section, and write notes as a reviewer. When adding films, you can also include title, release year, rating, and genre.
There are three main screens in the app—Watchlist, Watched, and Favorites. You can also uses eight genre filters for movies.
To help you find something to watch on movie night, you can see random selection from your watchlist available on the app’s main screen or a home screen widget that updates hourly.
When wanting to find a specific movie, you can see all of your previously added film and even see search suggestions.
The iPhone app is a completely free download on the App Store. There are no in-app purchases or advertisements.