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Make texts quicker by sending Cola Bubbles instead

Digital Communicator
March 10, 2016

Text messaging is convenient, but sometimes it gets too cumbersome. Cola Messenger transcends the boundaries of text messaging by letting you streamline the process and combine the work of 10 to 20 individual messages into a single Cola Bubble.

Cola Messenger

Forget texting, start sending bubbles instead

Cola Messenger Forget texting, start sending bubbles instead

Many possibilities, and more to come

Many ways to communicate

Many ways to communicate
Cola allows you to do much more than just send a message

With Cola Messenger, you can send text messages, of course. Beyond that, though, you can also communicate with your contacts through quick polls, to-do lists, or photos. On top of that, Cola Messenger allows you to find places to meet and even share your location with one another. Going even further, Cola Messenger provides a software development kit that will allow other app developers to integrate with it.

Combine a slew of text messages into a single Cola Bubble

Quickly poll your friends

Quickly poll your friends
Cola Messenger's Quick Poll is a great way to decide something together

The Quick Poll is a fantastic feature, allowing you to ask a question and poll your friends and other contacts for their opinion. Even if your contacts don't have Cola Messenger installed, they can respond by clicking a link in an SMS message and then choosing their response on the Web.

A lovely, easy-to-maneuver screen

Clean, bubble-based interface

Clean, bubble-based interface
Cola bubbles are clean and easy to work with

Whether you're polling people for their input or sharing locations, Cola Messenger's bubbles are clean and easy to read. The app lets you know when your messages have been delivered and read, and interactive tools like the Quick Polls automatically update as people respond to your query.

Quit texting and start using Cola Messenger today

Cola Messenger is designed only for the iPhone, and requires iOS 9 or later. It’s a free download on the App Store, without any ads or in-app purchases to worry about.

Cola Messenger
Cola Messenger
Cola, Incorporated