Manage Your Money in Minutes a Day With PocketMoney 2.5
There are tons of money management apps out there, but most of them require you to connect up with your bank. Given the recent data breaches at Equifax and others, it's refreshing to find an app that allows you a complete view and management style over your finances without giving up your personal information. That's exactly what PocketMoney 2.5 does.

PocketMoney 2.5 is a powerful app that makes managing your finances much easier. It only takes minutes a day to keep up with your money, once you set up the app.
You'll start, most likely, with your checking and credit accounts. Creating these in PocketMoney 2.5 is as easy as filling out a form. Enter as much or as little information as you want, because the app doesn't require anything, really.
Once you've set up your accounts in PocketMoney 2.5, it's time to set starting balances. The app doesn't appear to connect directly to your bank, but you can import popular file types like Quicken import files.
If you're doing this by hand, you'll establish your starting balances by creating a deposit transaction for checking accounts. For credit cards and lines of credit, set your beginning balance with a withdrawal transaction.
One nice feature of PocketMoney 2.5 is that almost none of the fields are required when entering transactions. In fact, the only mandatory field is the amount of the transaction. This is great for entering information on the fly, and then filling it in later.
A great way to manage your finances

PocketMoney 2.5 uses a terrific autocomplete mechanism for those common transactions. That makes entering them a breeze, since you just have to type a few characters and then let the app fill in the rest. This is very useful for repeating transactions, but there's an even better way to handle those.
The app provides a tool for entering repeating transactions, and it's quite complex. You can set up transactions that are due on a particular day of the month, for example. Or, perhaps you've got a bill that's always due the third Monday of the month. PocketMoney 2.5 allows for either of those situations.
Finding reports on your accounts is easy, with a "Reports" option right in the overview. You can also go to the Dashboard to get an outline of where you're currently at financially, how your budgets are faring, and more.
The app isn't perfect, unfortunately. It has recently changed ownership, and the new developers have not yet set up the support page. So, when you try tapping Settings -> Help & Video Tutorials, you go to a page that doesn't exist. Hopefully, the developers will remedy that soon, because some features aren't as easy to understand as others.
Whether you want full control over managing your budget or just brief overviews, PocketMoney 2.5 can provide you with that. It's simple, yet complex, and mostly easy to use.
Creating a checking account

Getting your checking account into PocketMoney 2.5 is as easy as filling out a form. Provide as little or as much information as you want; the app doesn't mind!
Credit card accounts, too

PocketMoney 2.5 has full support for credit cards, so enter in those accounts, too.
Preloading your starting balances

To set up your starting balances, you just enter a deposit for checking accounts or a withdrawal for credit cards.
Establishing budgets

No money management app would be complete without budgets, and PocketMoney does this well.
Repeating transactions are a breeze

PocketMoney 2.5 has the ability to establish repeating transactions with complex logic.
Use the Dashboard to get an overview

The Dashboard isn't the starting view in PocketMoney 2.5, but it's a good place to go to see how your assets and liabilities are faring.