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Nighthawk for Twitter Wants to Help Tame Your Timeline

Nighthawk for Twitter Wants to Help Tame Your Timeline

December 18, 2019

The new app Nighthawk for Twitter wants to provide a more customized experience on the social network.

Nighthawk for Twitter

Instead of competing with the official Twitter app or great third-party options like Tweetbot or Twitterrific, Nighthawk offers two great features.

Smart Filters allows you to silence topics quickly and easily. Instead of trying to mute specific keywords, the filter goes further and zaps any mention of topics like U.S. politics, Star Wars spoilers, and customer care tweets. You can also disable retweets from anyone you follow.

Another great feature is the ability to create a private Close Friends timeline to view tweets from specific users you select.

You can also send tweets directly from the app.

The app shows your timeline in chronological order and without any advertisements.

While it’s obviously not a full-time Twitter app, Nighthawk does a great job doing what it promises and can help tame your timeline and remake it into something more manageable.

Nighthawk for Twitter is designed for the iPhone and can be downloaded now on the App Store for $3.99.

Nighthawk for Twitter
Nighthawk for Twitter
Team Nighthawk