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Rubik's Cube

Euclidean Lands Brings Adventure to a Rubik's Cube World

Pocket Gaming
March 2, 2017

There are countless puzzle games being demonstrated at GDC 2017, and Trevor Sheridan is bringing us news about the most gorgeous and intriguing titles on display. Euclidean Lands brings a fresh new take, blending elements of the Rubik’s Cube with Hitman Go or Lara Croft Go. The game is richly developed, and is coming soon to iOS.

Defend Yourself In a Land Inspired by Rubik’s Cube

Defend Yourself In a Land Inspired by Rubik’s Cube

In Euclidian Lands, you play as a soldier dedicated exploring and defending lands. Each level is constructed of rotating elements, much like a Rubik’s Cube. There are spikes, shields you can pick up, and enemies to defeat. The game is billed as “an adventurous expedition through a mysterious world of mind-blowing geometry.” From the gameplay trailer, that description definitely fits the game.

Challenging and Exciting Turn-Based Puzzle Play

Challenging and Exciting Turn-Based Puzzle Play

Each turn, you are able to either move your soldier or rotate part of the world. The enemies, for their part, also move about the playing field and can rotate things to their advantage, too. You have to maneuver carefully, taking advantage of every tool at your disposal, to complete each level. Judicious use of spikes and teleport tiles are often the key to winning a level.

Euclidean Lands Is Coming Soon to iOS

Euclidean Lands Is Coming Soon to iOS

The developers behind Euclidean Lands hope to launch the game in a couple of weeks. They report having a few more bugs to iron out, but say the game is largely complete. It will feature more than 40 worlds to conquer, and will be a paid game on the App Store. There’s no word on the cost of the game at this point. Check out the longer video below, along with Sheridan’s discussion with the developer of the game.