SpringNotes is a Cross-Platform and Minimalistic Note-Taking App
The new app SpringNotes is a great alternative note-taking app for anyone looking to make a one-time purchase instead paying for a subscription.

With the app, you can easily write style Markdown notes that automatically sync across an iPhone, iPad, and Mac.
Available in a number of different themes, a great feature in the Foldable Outliner that allows you to structure long documents more easily and find folded details. Task dates and priority will also stay within the context of the notes.
To rearrange notes, and tasks, just drag them around.
All of the information can be organized into folders and sub-folders. You can locate them with tags are a smart find feature.
If you ever need to share the notes, you can export the information in different formats like plain text and JSON.
You can purchase SpringNotes now for a limited-time price of $5.99. One purchase unlocks the app on the iPhone, iPad, and Mac.