Transform Text in Real Time With Textcraft
The new app Textcraft can transform text in real-time. And there’s a little bit of something for everyone.

There are more than 60 text formats available - everything from uppercase or lower case to more fun options like reversed text and bubbles.You can also find great options like the ability to strip HTML or encode/decode strings in Base64.
To make it easy to share the text results, you can tap to copy the text and long press to share. There are a number of great keyboard shortcuts for iPad users.
On the tablet, the app also supports windows and drag and drop so you can easily drag text from other apps directly into Textcraft for a quick transformation.
The app also generate ASCII characters, which are universal and can be copied into non-Apple platforms for use.
Textcraft is designed for the iPhone and all iPad models. It can be downloaded now on the App Store for $6.99.