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Zadarma is a VOIP App That Gives You a Private Network in the Cloud

May 21, 2020

Now more than ever we need cheap, reliable ways of communicating with each other at a distance. Zadarma is one of the best options on the market.

It’s a comprehensive VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) service that’s suitable for anyone, from small businesses and call centers to travelers. Using SIP and cloud PBX, it lets you make and receive calls, send free text messages between Zadarma network users, and much more.

But first, let’s clear up some terminology for those of us who aren’t proficient in telecommunications lingo. SIP stands for Session Initiation Protocol. SIP is to voice and text communication what HTTP is to webpages.

PBX, meanwhile, stands for Private Branch Exchange. It’s essentially a private telephone network – the kind of internal phone network an office building might have, allowing the people inside to communicate with each other, and the outside world, without each having their own standard phone line.

Using the latest codecs to ensure high-quality calls, Zadarma gives you a cloud-based PBX, meaning you don’t need to be in the same building as your colleagues, friends, or whatever to share a private phone network.

It’s everything you’d expect from a modern communications platform and more, allowing you to do all sorts of handy things like change or hide CallerID, set up call-forwarding within the app, and send/receive free messages within your Zadarma network.

You can set the app to only accept calls over wi-fi, too, or reject them altogether.

Plus, Zadarma supports automatic integration with your phonebook, meaning you don’t have to spend hours porting your contacts across, and it allows you to run multiple accounts and connect virtual numbers from 100 countries.

Zadarma also delivers push notifications, ensuring you never miss a call or text while keeping its battery consumption to a minimum.

It’s a comprehensive package, and completely free to use as long as you’re calling or texting another Zadarma user. You can download the app for free now on the App Store or Android.