Infomatic Provides Fun Stats About Your Social Presence In A Beautiful Package

Infomatic - Facebook and Twitter statistics ($1.99) by Saturized is a beautiful way to get the stats on your social media profile right on your iPhone, consolidated in a single app.
I’m not really the type of person to obsess over every aspect of my social media (think of those Klout people), but it is nice to get an analysis of what my online presence consists of. And with Infomatic, I get all of these details presented to me in a gorgeous package.

The first thing you will have to do when launching the app is add your Twitter and Facebook accounts. Infomatic makes use of the native iOS Twitter and Facebook integration, so it was as easy as selecting the account (for multiple Twitter usernames) and then loading up the data. From my observation, there was not a way to manually add an account, so you will need to set them up with iOS first if you haven’t already done so. Unfortunately, the app can only have one account at a time for both networks, so you can’t have all of your Twitter accounts or Facebook pages, which is a bit disappointing.
It will take a few moments for the app to load up all of your data — you can see the progress on the data gathering on the screen. For Twitter, you will be able to see how many tweets you’ve made, as well as your number of followers and following. The stats will include: Overview, Followers, Following, Media, and Activity. For Facebook, you’ll see your number of posts, friends, and photos. Stats will give you: Posts, Comments, Friends, Photos, Videos, and Activity.
Data will be refreshed once a day to give you a comprehensive overview of activity for the past seven days. Each stat section can be expanded or collapsed with just a tap. You can get information like new followers this week, who unfollowed you, media shared, tagged photos, most comments you’ve received on a post or comment, and much more. Infomatic also features beautiful in-line image previews when necessary.
My favorite part of the app is the Activity section for both Twitter and Facebook. In here, you are able to see your most active time of the day on the chosen network, as well as your most active day of the week. You’d be surprised at what you may find out — apparently, my most active time of the day is 2 a.m., which I found pretty interesting.

Infomatic uses a spectacular design that is a bit reminiscent of Clear. When the app is revealing your stats, there are beautiful and fluid animations involved (especially for the the graphs of peak activity), which show that there was definitely a lot of care put into the app. The typography used is also superb, and makes everything rather easy-to-read, which is just what an app like this needs.
While the app is great, that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t have its own set of flaws. First, it’s a bit disappointing that it can only be refreshed once a day, but it’s understandable. Maybe being able to manually refresh can be implemented in the future. It would also be nice to have multiple account support (at least for Twitter), and also have a manual way of adding accounts, rather than only iOS integration.
Still, I’m enjoying using this app to find out interesting stats about my profiles. I mean, how can you resist such a pretty design? If stats are your thing, then you will definitely want to check out Infomatic: Facebook and Twitter statistics for your iPhone. You can get it in the App Store for $1.99.
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