Keep Track Of What You Want To Do With Done Not Done

Done Not Done (Free) by Betaworks Como, Inc. wants to be the list of things that you want to do, not the stuff you have to do. The app is in the similar vein as Recall and even Todo Movies.
Originally, what caught my attention with Done Not Done is the beautiful design and interface. I like the minimal menubar for navigating, and I love the fact that everything is organized by type and color. It’s also pretty straightforward when you want to see what you haven’t done yet, and what you have.

To get started with using the app, you will need to create an account, or you can log in with Facebook Connect. Once that is done, then the app can be fully utilized. Of course, before you can start seeing what you have done or not, you will need to find items to add. To do this, you just need to tap on the center button, “Find+Add,” of the bottom menubar.
Simply type in what you are looking for in the search bar, and the app will begin fetching results for you. You can also filter out items by tapping on the appropriate ribbon at the top (orange for All, blue for Watch, purple for Listen, and red for Read). You can quickly add items to your lists by tapping on the Done or Not Done buttons underneath the details, which also prompts you for an optional comment before saving.
A neat little element of the app is the “Ideas” section, where you can see what is popular and what your Facebook friends want to do. Unfortunately, if you don’t have any friends on Facebook who are also using the app (which is the situation I’m in), then nothing will show up here.

The last area of the app is your profile, where you can see how many things you have done, as well as what you want to do. You can also change your profile picture here, though I’ve had numerous glitches when attempting to do so.
While the app looked good originally, I found it to fall a bit short during my actual use. Sometimes I would never find the results I’m looking for, since it seems that the app makes it harder to find specific television series. It also would be great if the app featured a “New Releases” section, similar to that found in Recall, so it would be fast and easy to add them to your Not Done list.
I wanted to like this app, but for now, I think I will just stick with Recall for keeping track of what I want to do and what I have done.
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