Slow Feeds Extends Its RSS Aggregator Support Ahead Of Google Reader Shutdown
June 8, 2013
Slow Feeds, the universal iOS Google Reader client that features low-frequency or "slow" feeds, is no longer just a Google Reader client.
As you may already know, Google's beloved but apparently not-so-popular RSS reader is scheduled to shut down by the end of this month. With the service's imminent demise in mind, Zozi Apps set out to integrate Slow Feeds with RSS aggregation services other than Google Reader.
The result: Slow Feeds 3.0, which features support for Feedbin, FeedHQ, and NewsBlur. To be sure, the app still supports Google Reader. But you have to log in again to Google Reader after updating Slow Feeds if you wish to continue using the ill-fated service while it's still available.
In addition to extending the app's feed aggregator support, the latest update to Slow Feeds extends the app's sharing and third-party browser support on iOS 6.
As a result, Slow Feeds now supports sharing via Facebook, Twitter, Instapaper, Pocket, Pinboard, Delicious, email, and text message, and it now supports opening links in Safari, Chrome, Dolphin, and Opera Mini.
Slow Feeds 3.0 also includes support for managing multiple accounts and the following improvements:
Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad running iOS 5.1 or later, Slow Feeds 3.0 is available now in the App Store as a free update or as a new $2.99 download. See also: Reeder Updated With Feedbin And Local Support As Google Reader Alternatives and Feedly Is Preparing For Life After Google Reader. [gallery link="file" order="DESC"]
- Hot Links now also show source-articles
- URL scheme to launch the app (slowfeeds://)
- More spacious iPad interface with bigger text
- Pull-to-refresh (iOS 6 only)
- Enhancements, fixes and optimizations