Wired Magazine For iPad Updated: Now Supports In App Subscriptions
by Joe White
May 24, 2011
Condé Nast's popular WIRED Magazine app for the iPad received an update today (version 3.0). Now, users of the app can subscribe to the publication in-app for $1.99/month or $19.99/year. And if you're a print subscriber, it's now possible to access print subscriptions in the iPad app (U.S. and Canada only).
At the beginning of the month, we heard that Condé Nast would start supporting Apple's soon-to-be-enforced in-app subscription policy, beginning with The New Yorker. Following this, a variety of other Condé Nast followed suit. All App Store publishers are required to offer Apple's in-app subscription model as a means of purchasing digital content, even if this option co-exists alongside another. While this initially annoyed and upset a lot of developers and publishers (mainly because Apple takes 30 percent of subscription sales), many seem to be coming round to the idea.
After all, they have to by June 30.
As mentioned, WIRED Magazine is available to subscribe to for $1.99/month or $19.99/year (the app itself is free to download). How do you feel about Apple's in-app subscription policy? Let us know in the comments.