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FANTASYxRUNNERS Receives 'Major Update,' But Exactly How Major?

April 11, 2012
Late yesterday, the endless runner and RPG hybrid FANTASYxRUNNERS, which is one of our recent favorites here in AppAdvice, got a new update. And, boy, was it quite an update. In its entirety, the game's latest change log entry simply says, "major update." Now that's how you manage to say a lot in so few words. Being fans of the game, we were naturally intrigued by what this "major update" actually means. Thanks mostly to Jamie and Juli's sleuthing, we discovered that the new version adds three new game characters. But perhaps what really makes this update "major" is the multitude of new Game Center achievements that has been added to the game. Before yesterday, there were only 18 achievements associated with FxR's gameplay. Now, 55 new achievements, most of which are hidden for some reason, have been added to the roster, bringing the total number of achievements that can be unlocked while playing the game to a whopping 73. Giving so much importance to this component of the game may be a trifle eccentric, but a huge part of what makes FxR such an addictive game is the glory, however small, of reaching these achievements. Be it collecting this number of rubies or killing that number of monsters, an achievement can spur you on to keep playing the game, just as an objective in that other, more popular endless runner keeps you escaping from demon monkeys. We may never know why moonrabbit, the developer of FANTASYxRUNNERS, didn't bother to outline the changes brought by the update, or even whether the update should really be described as "major," but at least we know for sure that the game has been enhanced for our hacking and slashing pleasure. Designed for both iPhone and iPad, FANTASYxRUNNERS is available in the App Store for only $0.99.

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