Microsoft Drives Universal Update To SkyDrive For iOS
April 24, 2012
Just hours ahead of the rumored launch of Google Drive, the search giant's buzz-worthy cloud storage service, Microsoft has pushed its first major update to the iOS client of its very own "drive," SkyDrive.
Released mid-December last year, SkyDrive was originally available only for iPhone. Now, support for the iPad, including the new iPad with its fabled Retina display, has been added to SkyDrive version 2.0.
Apart from the universalization, this SkyDrive update incorporates several useful file management and sharing options. The app now lets you select multiple photos and videos at a time to upload from your iPhone or iPad. It also allows you to share your files by sending a link via email or copying a link to your clipboard for use in other apps. And speaking of other apps, you can now also open and view your SkyDrive files in other iOS apps, like Adobe Reader and, of course, Dropbox. Creating new folders and moving, deleting and renaming files are also supported in SkyDrive 2.0.
Offering access to up to 7 GB of free online file storage, the newly updated SkyDrive for iOS is available for free in the App Store. If you've been using Dropbox or some other cloud storage service, are you now driven to take SkyDrive for a test drive?