Win A Localyze Promo Code To Find Some Fun Or Help Get Things Done
August 22, 2012
AppAdvice has teamed up with Paper Corn Media in order to offer you a chance to win one of 25 promo codes for Localyze ($1.99) for iPhone and iPod touch.
When on vacation or just looking for a new hangout in your neighborhood, you may have turned to apps such as Yelp or Foursquare for guidance. These and other location-based discovery apps provide categorized lists of places that are sorted nearest to furthest from your current position. Not only can you get directions, but entries include ratings, reviews, phone numbers, and other details to help you decide if a place is worth checking out.
Localyze combines those two services, plus Google, Yellow Pages, CityGrid, Citysearch, Fandango,, and more to create an all-in-one discovery and search tool. You can use Localyze to get movie listings and purchase tickets, find retail outlets and download coupons, locate pharmacies and clinics, view local job openings, pinpoint electric car charging stations, and discover all kinds of other fun and useful places to visit.
Hoping to make the process as painless as possible, Localyze is designed in a questionnaire-style hierarchy. You begin with the most generic categories and decide on more detailed preferences until reaching the filtered list of items. The details and options for each listing vary by type, although, every listing includes an address, map, and sharing capabilities.
To have a chance at winning one of the 25 Localyze promo codes, leave a comment below before August 22 at 11:59 p.m. PDT telling us one of your favorite things to do for entertainment. Only one entry per person is allowed. Please be sure to also check your junk email boxes.
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