LensFlare And Alien Sky Both Boldly Go Where Most Photo Editing Apps Have Gone Before
November 7, 2012
Just a little over a week after its last major update, BrainFeverMedia's LensFlare app has gotten another major update. And it's got company.
In addition to LensFlare, BrainFeverMedia's Alien Sky has also received a major update. And together, LensFlare and Alien Sky have boldly gone where most other photo editing apps have gone before: universalization.
Originally launched as iPhone-only apps, LensFlare and Alien Sky are now natively compatible with the iPad and, yes, the iPad mini, thanks to their respective new updates.
LensFlare's new update brings just that โ universal support โ but Alien Sky's is a bit more substantial.
Alien Sky's new update also brings new effects, an improved interface, social sharing, and full compatibility with iOS 6 and iPhone 5.
The newly improved and universalized LensFlare and Alien Sky are available in the App Store for $0.99 each.
Oh, in case you're wondering, LensFlare and Alien Sky are photo editing apps that add certain out-of-this-world effects to otherwise ordinary photos.
As its name suggests, LensFlare is mainly concerned with providing photo effects that mimic lens flares. You know, those sometimes obtrusive flashes of light you often see in movies directed by J. J. Abrams ("Star Trek") and Michael Bay ("Transformers").
Alien Sky is also capable of adding lens flare effects to photos, although not as advanced as those found in LensFlare. Its primary feature is its collection of high-resolution space objects, which you can use to customize your photos โ thereby "alienating" your sky.
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