Take A Trip Down Memory Lane With Path's New Moment Search Feature
December 21, 2012
Path, the well-designed social journal for iPhone and (more recently) iPad, has just received an update that introduces an impressive search feature.
"Recently, our tools and methods for keeping our own memories safe have been shoe boxes, notebooks, photo albums, home videos, folders of pictures on computers, cell phone photo libraries," says the team behind Path, in a blog post introducing the updated version of the app. "But today we’re offering a new way: Search, on Path 2.9. Search allows you to find all of your memories instantly."
Path's new search feature allows you — encourages you, even — to rediscover your memories on the app. And just like the app itself, the new search feature is simply smart.
Starting with Path 2.9, you can search for moments by people, places, date, type, holiday, season, weather, and whatnot.
After updating to the new version of the app, you're sure to notice the new search bar that facilitates Path's brand new feature. Just type in the bar, or tap on the featured search suggestions, to start your trip down Path memory lane.
You're also sure to notice the geolocation icon that accompanies the search bar. Tap this to activate "nearby" search, which is expected to yield moments that have taken place in and around your current location.
Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad running iOS 5.0 or later, the new and searchable Path is available now in the App Store for free.
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