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Twitter Now Offering Photo-Editing Tools Via iPhone App

Twitter Now Offering Photo-Editing Tools Via iPhone App

December 11, 2012
Twitter is adding a new photo-filtering tool to the company’s free universal app. The tool is available now through an app update. At launch, iPhone users will be able to add one of eight photo filters, ranging from black and white, to vintage. Additionally, an auto-enhance feature will add balanced light and colors. Aviary is the company providing Twitter with these very basic tools. Take a look:

Twitter's addition arrives just a day after Instagram pulled the plug on their service’s integration with the social networking site. As a result, Instagram users can no longer post pics on Twitter without a work around. The update includes:
  • Apply one of eight different filters to instantly add a new look and feel to your photos
  • Choose a filter by comparing all your options in a convenient grid view or by swiping through each version
  • Make your photos pop with balanced light and colors by tapping the auto-enhance wand
  • Crop and scale to frame the action the way you want
Download the universal Twitter now in the App Store. Please note that the photo tools are only available on the iPhone/iPod touch. See also: In Wake Of Their Feud With Twitter, Instagram Gets A Yummy Update.

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