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Pebble Watches Finally Shipping ... Well, Some Of Them

January 23, 2013
One of the most highly-anticipated new products of the year should be shipping to Kickstarter backers and customers very soon. The Pebble Watch, which generated $10.2 million in funding last year, is expected to begin shipping today, Jan. 23. According to a post on Pebble's Kickstarter page:
Pebble will start shipping today! We'll be sending out the first batch to the very first backers this afternoon. There are still some kinks and issues that we need to work out, but I'm glad to say we've made it this far.
A new website will tell the world when the first Pebble shipments go out. Is Pebble Shipping? recently went online. At the time of this writing, the status says that “Pebble has not begun shipping yet.” Of course, that status should change soon. An official Pebble app is set to arrive very soon in the App Store. For more information on the Pebble watch, see: CES 2013: The Pebble Watch Will Begin Shipping To Kickstarter Backers Later This Month, and Pebble Watch To Arrive In Five Colors, Include SMS And iMessage Integration.  

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