Universal Support Waltzes Into Gesture-Based Text Editor Daedalus Touch
February 16, 2013
In Greek mythology, Daedalus is a famous craftsman. On iOS, Daedalus Touch is a text editor that is so well-made that Daedalus himself might have crafted it. All right, I may be pushing my compliment a little too far. But my point is, if you're looking for a well-designed text editor for iOS, you need not look further than Daedalus Touch. Especially now that it has been updated with universal support.
Released nearly two years ago as an iPad-only app, Daedalus Touch has just been universalized with native iPhone support.
Now, the key features that have made Daedalus Touch so great on the iPad are also available on the iPhone and iPod touch.
What key features, you ask? Well, there's the app's stacks-and-sheets design metaphor, for one. And there's its fully gesture-based interface, for another. It also has a bunch of useful functions, of course.
If you can't see the video embedded above, please click here.
Along with universal support, full iCloud support is added to Daedalus Touch through its latest update. That's full iCloud backup and sync, to be exact.
But if you'd rather not rely on iCloud, don't worry. Daedalus Touch still has you covered with its support for Dropbox, Box.com, and WebDAV. As Daedalus Touch developer The Soulmen proudly proclaims: "Security by diversity. Just in case."
Now compatible with iPhone and iPod touch as well as iPad, Daedalus Touch is available in the App Store for $4.99.
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