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Waze Now Features Real-Time Road Closure Reporting

February 27, 2013
Popular community-based navigation app Waze has been updated today with a nice number of new features. Probably the biggest addition in version 3.6 of the app is that users can report road closures in real time. Waze will then close off the road and route others around it. Report pins are also tilted on the map to better indicate the direction of an event. In an attempt to reduce map clutter, only relevant road names are now shown on the screen. And along with new moods, there is also a new inbox with multiple message selection. European users, when at a gas station, will be prompted to update the fuel price to keep the information as current as possible. Waze is a universal app designed for the iPhone/iPod touch and iPad/iPad mini. It can be downloaded in the App Store now for free. With more than 40 million users, the app has always been a popular alternative to Google Maps and Apple’s own troubled Maps app. We even named it one of our favorite navigation apps last year. News broke at the beginning of the year that Apple was possibly considering purchasing Waze, but that rumor was quickly shot down by Apple.

Mentioned apps

Waze social GPS, maps & traffic
Waze Inc.

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