Blogsy's Satyr Update Brings Markdown Support And Other Significant New Features
April 10, 2013
Blogsy has just received another major update. Unsurprisingly, the new update, just like the major updates that came before it, is named after a mythical creature.
The latest update to the popular iPad blogging app is dubbed Satyr. But unlike the the stereotypical satyr, portrayed most famously in Disney's "Hercules," Blogsy's Satyr update is not short. Not short on features, that is.
Along with a bevy of UI changes and bug fixes, Blogsy's Satyr update brings the following new features:
If you can't see the video embedded above, please click here. You can see a demonstration of some of these new features in the video above. Compatible with iPad running iOS 5.0 or later, the new version of Blogsy is available now as a free update or as a new $4.99 download. [gallery link="file" order="DESC"]
- Markdown Support – Add support for writing and converting Markdown.
- HTML Keyboard – Added option to turn on an extended keyboard for typing HTML.
- History – Keeps versions of your post so you can revert back to a previous version.
- Save Button – We added a save button so you can save a version.
- Add URL scheme – If other apps add support for this URL scheme then you can send content from another app into Blogsy into a new post.
- Added Draft setting for TypePad blogs.
- Added parsing when fetching Joomla posts to check for special HTML entities and converting them to plain text.
- Triple “+” tap – If you tap three times quickly on the plus button “+” it will move the current open post to the local draft list and start a new post.