Feedly Sends Out A New Update As They Say Hello To Google Reader Users
April 1, 2013
Feedly is offering a new home for Google Reader users. Version 14 of the popular news reading app is available now in the App Store.
First launched in November 2010, the universal app is now centered “around search and discovery, productive reader and better sharing.” As such, it now includes:
Since Google announced the July 1 shutdown of Google Reader, Feedly claims that 3 million new users have joined the service. To support these new users, they are “adding hardware as quickly as we can to make that transition as seamless as possible.” Feedly is available for the iPhone/iPod touch and iPad. See also: Feedly And Buffer Join Forces To Offer Improved Content Sharing, Zite Reacts To Google Reader’s Demise While Prepping A New Web Product, and Reeder To Use Feedbin And Other Sources Following Google Reader's Exit.
- Fixes random logout bug, and many other smaller issues
- New Feed Search and Discovery.
- New Title Only View. More controls over layouts.
- Enhanced Sharing & Save for Later
- New "Must Read" Section to easily organize the feeds you don't want to miss
- Customize Favorite Sharing Tool to G+, Buffer, Twitter, Facebook, Email or browser
- Customize Favorite Save for Later Tool to Pocket
- Mark as read card at the end of each sections
- Pull to refresh in the home selector