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No More Going Bananas Over Connection Problems In Say The Same Thing

May 31, 2013
Say The Same Thing, the unique word game created by the quirky alternative rock band OK Go, has just received a new update. The latest update to the game brings no significant features, to be sure. But it's significant for players, myself included, who's gone bananas from the game's persistent connection problems. You see, before this update, Say The Same Thing was prone to log out of Facebook or Game Center of its own accord. On far more than one occasion, I'd found myself exiting the game after playing a round only to be asked to log back in the next time I open it. Now, though, I'm happy to report that Say The Same Thing's connection stability has been improved as I haven't been locked out of the game in its latest version. If you can't see the video embedded above, please click here. The latest version of Say The Same Thing also includes miscellaneous bug fixes and a Nudge button to poke your partners who haven't been saying anything at all. Moreover, it adds a layer of privacy to the proceedings by letting you prevent the game from showing your photo to random partners. The new version of Say the Same Thing is available now in the App Store for free. The game is optimized for iPhone and iPod touch, but it's nonetheless playable on iPad in compatibility mode. For more information on Say The Same Thing, check out Christine's original AppAdvice review, which includes an explanation of the game's banana-based gameplay. In case you haven't heard, Say The Same Thing, which was released just three weeks ago, was the 50 billionth app downloaded from the App Store. [gallery link="file" order="DESC"]

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