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Cydia Tweak: How To Add An Android-Inspired Pattern Unlock Screen To The iPhone

Cydia Tweak: How To Add An Android-Inspired Pattern Unlock Screen To The iPhone

June 26, 2013
One new jailbreak tweak allows users to add an Android-inspired pattern-based unlock system to a jailbroken iPhone handset. The jailbreak tweak, called Pattern Unlock, can be downloaded for $1.99 in the BigBoss repository. Though rather on the expensive side for a Cydia Store purchase, don't let Pattern Unlock's price put you off. Besides adding a brand new Lock screen to a jailbroken iPhone, the jailbreak tweak also comes with a wide variety of customization options which serve to justify its price tag. Here's our video walkthrough, see what you think:

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As you can see, Pattern Unlock comes with five separate themes, and allows users to customize the unlock pattern, the vibration settings, the time interval between required unlocks, and more. Check out Pattern Unlock now. As mentioned, it's available to download in the Cydia Store for $1.99, via the BigBoss repository. For more jailbreak related news, see: Could A Jailbreak Solution For iOS 7 Already Be In The Works?Cydia Tweak: Use Gestures To Adjust Brightness, Volume And More With DoubleTap, and Cydia Tweak: NativeQR, Decode Camera Add A QR Scanner To The Camera App.