Do You Like Free Icons? Then You'll Love Ramotion's They Make Icons Website
July 3, 2013
Ramotion offers some of the best icon designs in the business. Since 2009, they have been designing icons for clients, big and small. These have included Adobe, Mixel, and Mazda, just to name a few.
Now, many of those icon designs are available to everyone, free of charge. Available at theymakeicons.com, the icons are rotated on a daily basis.
To copy, click on the icon, and select “download.” You can also share the files to Pinterest.
Each file is saved in .icns format. However, this can be changed into another format using Preview or a third-party application on a Mac. You can also download the file to a PC.
As you can see, many of these icons are OS X specific.
Whether you like to customize an OS, are crazy about pixels, or just want some design inspiration, be sure to visit They Make Icons. You may also be interested in visiting Ramotion's Dribbble page.
In addition to designing icons, Ramotion also creates apps for the iPhone/iPod touch and iPad. These include: Flipper, Turnplay, and Pick'n'Roll.
See also: With Turnplay, It's Always Your Turn To Play With A Virtual Vinyl Turntable, This Is What Would Happen If We Let Jony Ive Redesign Everything, and Easily Grab High-Res iOS App Icon Images With This Script.