New 15-Second Promo Video For 'Jobs' Movie May Be First Ever Instagram Trailer
July 16, 2013
There's a new trailer out for the upcoming "Jobs" movie starring Ashton Kutcher. And it may very well be the first ever official trailer released on Instagram.
The video in question, shown below, is essentially a shortened version of the last few seconds of the film's first full trailer, which came out about a month ago. It shows a succession of scenes featuring Kutcher as Apple cofounder Steve Jobs set to the "That 70's Show" star's declamation of the opening and closing lines of Apple's "Here's to the Crazy Ones" TV spot.
If you can't see the video embedded above, please click here.
The new trailer runs for 15 seconds, the maximum duration of an Instagram video.
Video sharing was introduced to the Facebook-owned Instagram last month in response to the growing popularity of Twitter's Vine. But unlike Vine, which allows users to record videos of up to six seconds, Instagram allows up to 15 seconds for each video shared on its 130 million strong community.
As indicated in the film's Instagram trailer, "Jobs" is set to hit theaters on Aug. 16. The movie, which also stars Josh Gad as Apple cofounder Steve Wozniak, chronicles the title character's life from 1971, a few years before the founding of Apple, to 2000, a few years after he returned to and rebuilt the now iconic company he cofounded.