Ridiculous Fishing's First Update Brings New Fish, Patterns And ... A Knife?
July 26, 2013
Ridiculous Fishing, the ridiculously addictive fishing game developed by the minds behind Super Crate Box, SpellTower, and Gasketball, has just received its first ever update.
Released last March, Ridiculous Fishing was reviewed here on AppAdvice as “one of the best games that have come out on iOS so far this year.” And its first update only serves to make it even better.
First off, the update adds new items in the in-game store, including a much requested one. Ridiculous Fishing co-developer and publisher Vlambeer explains what that particular item is:
We've added a few new items, of which one offers an often requested feature: the knife will allow you to cut the line to instantly restart an attempt. No longer will you have to wait until the line comes all the way back up just trying to catch that one last fish. It's not for killing fish, though, it would be absurd to kill fish with knives or the like.If you can't see the video embedded above, please click here. The update also adds new fish and patterns to the Maelstrom area, including the new Friend Fishes and something that "asks you not to dive into the depths, but to raise it into the skies." In addition, Ridiculous Fishing has been updated with bug fixes and support for playing your own music while playing. The new version of Ridiculous Fishing is available now in the App Store as a free update or as a new $2.99 download. The game is compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad running iOS 5.0 or later. As we reported a month ago, this is the first of two updates planned for Ridiculous Fishing this year. The second update, which is scheduled to be released by the end of the year, is a much bigger one in that it's set to double the content of Ridiculous Fishing. [gallery link="file" order="DESC"]