Ruby Offers A Simple And Lightweight Way To Browse Reddit On iOS
July 18, 2013
If you'd rather not go blue as you use the excellent and advanced Alien Blue for browsing Reddit, then you might want to go red (or reddish) instead and check out the newly released Ruby for Reddit.
Created by PanoPerfect developer HalfPeeled, Ruby is a decidedly simple and lightweight universal Reddit client for iOS. (Alien Blue has two separate editions: an iPhone version simply called Alien Blue and an iPad edition called Alien Blue for iPad, which, by the way, was updated just hours ago.)
Oddly, Ruby does not feature a ruby or purplish-red color scheme. Rather, it sports a color scheme that is more orange than red.
But no matter. You're going to want to use Ruby not for its partiality toward a certain pigment but for its set of key features. Fortunately, Ruby has quite a few of them:
Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad running iOS 6.1 or later, Ruby for Reddit is available now in the App Store for free. Note that Ruby offers a $0.99 in-app upgrade that unlocks the following features: dark mode, custom fonts, password protection, status bar hiding, quick-post button, and ad removal. [gallery link="file" order="DESC"]
- Full screen mode
- Slide out sidebar
- Inline image support for the most popular image services
- Search for a subreddit, user, or the current stories
- View your subscribed subreddits with the swipe of your finger
- Subscribe and unsubscribe from subreddits
- Easily submit link and text stories
- View all comments for a story
- Add a comment to a story
- View your own comments, submitted, liked, disliked, hidden, and saved stories
- See other users' comments and submitted stories
- Easily compose mail and view your inbox
- Infinitely load stories
- Ruby remembers which stories you have viewed, up voted, or down voted