Keeping Track Of Your Expenses Is Made Easy With Next 2.0
Earlier this year, I told you guys about a minimal finance tracking app called Next - Expense Tracking from noidentity gmbh. There’s a lot of finance apps out there to help make the task of tracking your money easy, but this was one of the simplest ways to do it.
For those who are unfamiliar, Next is from the same people who brought us BudgetBook, ListBook, and even MoneyBook, a slightly more complex expense tracker. Next featured a main screen with buttons that represent categories, and tapping on one allowed you to input an amount with a keypad. Once you enter it, the expense gets saved into your app, and then you can swipe to view your total expense statistics and a list of all of your transactions. The stats that the app provided were full and rich in detail, giving you an easy at-a-glance view of your spending habits.
While I enjoyed the simplicity of the app, it was missing some crucial features that I believed every expense tracker should have. Fortunately, Next - Expense Tracking has been updated to version 2.0, and addresses several things.

First, users can now add notes to their transactions. This was one of the biggest flaws in the first version, and I’m very glad that this has been addressed. To add a note, just tap on the pencil icon when that shows up while you are adding a new transaction. With the update, it is now possible to edit your transactions or notes as well. Editing a note is done by tapping on the text in the list view, and you can edit the amount by tapping on the numbers. It’s incredibly easy and intuitive.
There are also more icons in Next, so you can customize your categories to be more recognizable to you. The new icons include fish, motorcycle, and jewelery. Hopefully even more get added in the future. Next 2.0 also brings in better statistics, featuring history of an entry and more detailed information.
Here’s the full change log:
Next 2.0 is here! Many new features and improvements.
- Add notes to your expenses by tapping the pen icon
- Edit your expenses, just tap on it in the list view
- Better statistics: In the history of an entry, tap and hold to view more details
- New icons: fish, motorcycle, handbag, jewelry
- French localization
- Supports latest iOS
- Refined design and animations
We enjoyed Next since it first came out, as it earned our App of the Week award after it was released. With version 2.0, it only got even better, and will continue to get better in the future.
If you’re looking for simplistic expense tracking with no unnecessary bells and whistles, you should consider Next - Expense Tracking 2.0. This is a free update to existing users, and new customers can get it in the App Store on the iPhone for $1.99.
To see Next 2.0 in action, check out the video below. Click here if you can’t see the video embedded below.
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