Quora Gets Redesigned For iOS 7, Klout Releases Very Own Q&A App Called Cinch
September 21, 2013
As iOS 7 was officially launched, Quora was updated to version 3.0, mainly to be optimized for the new operating system. Around the same time, Klout quietly released a Quora-like app called Cinch.
Version 3.0 of the official iOS app of the popular Q&A social networking site Quora features an interface redesign that is, of course, inspired by iOS 7. This redesign allows for the following improvements:
As for Cinch, it's seemingly a hybrid of Klout and Quora as it applies the expertise of "influencers" in the former to the knowledge-expanding interaction of the latter. With Cinch, you ask a question and the app connects you to the people whom it deems are expert enough to answer your query. This is in contrast to Quora, where anyone can answer other users' questions. Designed for iPhone and iPod touch, Quora 3.0 and Cinch 1.0 are both available now in the App Store for free. [gallery link="file" order="DESC"]
- Seamless browsing and discovery: Effortlessly move between all of the content on Quora through gestures โ swipe to go back, swipe to move between feeds. Tap the Quora logo for instant access to your notifications, drafts, inbox, and more.
- Multiple feeds: Feed now has 5 different views: Top Stories, Questions and Answers, Open Questions, Blogs, and Reviews. You have more control than ever before to read the type of content that you're interested in, and to discover more of Quora. While on a feed, swipe to move from one feed to another.
- Instant open and voting from feed: It's much easier to read full answers in feed. Stories in feed now load instantly, and answers and posts expand inline.