Shelf Control: You're Going To Fall In Love With Love, The App
February 17, 2014
Valentine's Day might be over already, but that doesn't mean we can't talk about love anymore. Specifically, that doesn't mean we can't talk about a storybook app about love anymore here on Shelf Control.
Indeed, that's what we're going to do in this week's edition of Shelf Control. As a matter of fact, the storybook app about love that is the subject of this column is simply called Love, the app.
You might be wondering, "Love, the app. As opposed to what?" As opposed to "Love," the book, that is.
Developed by Niño Studio, Love, the app is an iOS adaptation of the 1954 storybook titled "Love" by Gian Berto Vanni. As such, it presents the simple yet meaningful story of the original book, but through the medium of iOS, which is capable of various digital embellishments.
These include paper-cut animations, peepholes, and even fretworks that highlight the materiality of the app's basis. And then there's the app's original soundtrack, which has the gentle quality of a lullaby, itself an expression of love.
All those and more are featured in Love, the app, without ever sacrificing the essence of the story, which is thankfully intact in the original book's translation to iOS — a story about love amid differences.
If you can't see the video embedded above, please click here.
Love, the app offers the following features:
Compatible with iPad running iOS 5.0 or later, Love, the app is available in the App Store for $2.99. As always, if you have suggestions for Shelf Control, please feel free to email me at or simply leave a comment below. [gallery link="file" order="DESC"]
- Real page-turning experience and interactive options that invite you to explore and discover the story.
- Peepholes, slots and fretworks reproducing the layered reading of the printed book.
- Original soundtrack and sound design synchronizing with each user's reading rhythm.
- Gorgeous and charming illustrations combined with stop-motion animations.
- Vibrant colors pages with a subtle sign-of-the-past texture that makes you travel through time to the handmade creation of the book.
- Interactive music generator for creating your own sounds inside the story.
- Incredibly touching and heart-filling story that embraces the true essence of love and invites us to share our love with every human being.
- Suitable for both kids and adults.