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Super! Google Releases New iOS App Especially For Google Apps Administrators

February 11, 2014
Google has just released a new iOS app called Google Admin. As its name suggests, the app lets admins of Google's Enterprise products manage their respective domain settings on the go. Google Admin provides the following key features:
  • User Management Features - Add/Edit user, Suspend user, Restore user, Delete user, Reset password
  • Group Management Features - Add/Edit Group, Add members, Email all members, Delete group, View group members
  • Audit Logs - Review Audit logs, Filter logs by admin, date ranges and event types
Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad running iOS 6.0 or later, Google Admin is available now in the App Store for free. Note that this app is designed for use only by super admins of Google's Enterprise products, including Google Apps for Business, Education, Government, Google Coordinate, and Chromebooks. Super admins have access to the Google Admin panel and can perform all administrator actions. Note, too, that API access must first be enabled for Google Apps domains for them to be managed with the Google Admin app. For Google's recent updates to its existing iOS apps, see also: Google Shopping Express App Gains Universal Support For iPad Plus New Features, Google Wallet Update Lets Users Add Their Loyalty Cards Even Faster, and Google Maps For iOS Now Lets You Know When There's A Faster Route Available. [gallery link="file" order="DESC"]

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Google Admin
Google, Inc.

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