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Cydia Tweak: How To Unlock iOS Devices With A Simple Tap

Cydia Tweak: How To Unlock iOS Devices With A Simple Tap

April 26, 2014

TapToUnlock7 is a recent addition to the Cydia Store that replaces Apple’s famous “slide-to-unlock” mechanism with a new “tap-to-unlock” feature. You can pick up the new package on the Cydia Store for $0.99, and it’s optimized for iOS 7 and ARM64-devices.

The premise behind TapToUnlock7 is simple: instead of sliding to unlock an iOS device, users of the jailbreak tweak can “tap” on their handset’s screen in order to unlock it. It might not seem secure at first glance, but TapToUnlock7 can indeed work alongside a passcode lock; when activated, the passcode lock screen appears with a tap, although this kind of setup isn’t the most intuitive means of using the jailbreak tweak.

You can configure how TapToUnlock7 works in the Settings app, and here the jailbreak tweak adds a brand new preferences pane. Configuration options are vast: you can enable or disable the package outright, or choose whether the tap-to-unlock mechanism is confined to a particular area on the Home screen (or if users can instead tap anywhere to unlock their iOS device).

It’s also possible to change the appearance of the package – its color, the slider text, and the opacity of TapToUnlock7 can all be adjusted from the Settings application.

If you’re looking for a fun, new way of unlocking your jailbroken iPhone, consider taking TapToUnlock7 for a spin. As mentioned, it’s available on the Cydia Store now for just $0.99.

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