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Apple's Campus 2 Spaceship Design Is Now Visible From The Air

Apple's Campus 2 Spaceship Design Is Now Visible From The Air

May 8, 2014
The spaceship design of Apple’s Campus 2 is clearly on display in the most recent set of images showing the complex being constructed. The aerial photos by were taken on Wednesday, May 7. Campus 2 was approved by Cupertino, California city officials last November. It was originally proposed by Steve Jobs just months before he died in October 2011. The new campus will feature a 120,000 square foot auditorium, and will be used to host Cupertino’s annual media events. It has been designed to take advantage of renewable, environmentally-friendly energy sources, and 70 percent of its energy will be taken from solar and fuel cells. The building itself will be the home for more than 12,000 Apple employees and take up almost 3 million square feet. Because of its round design, the campus has earned the nickname iSpaceship. The first phase of Campus 2’s construction should be completed in 2016. Previous images of the site surfaced in December, February, and last month. See also: Apple's PR Guru Katie Cotton Is RetiringA Surprising Start To Apple’s June Quarter, and Not All Tech Acquisitions Are Created Equal As A New Infographic Shows.

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