My Common Sense Is Tingling: Zen Studios And Marvel Unveil New Deadpool Pinball Table
June 18, 2014
Shhh. My common sense is tingling.
It must be because Zen Studios has teamed up with Marvel on a new virtual pinball table featuring the Merc with a Mouth himself, Deadpool:
... Zen Studios is extremely excited to be working with the fine folks at Marvel to bring Deadpool fans a pinball experience that is as true to the character as you can get. Featuring the supreme voice talents of the one and only Nolan North as Deadpool, this table will capture the acerbic, fourth wall-crushing attitude of the character as well as feature supporting characters from the Deadpool universe, including Blind Al, Weasel, Lil’ Deadpool, and other characters from Deadpool’s universe.Take a look at the trailer for Deadpool's pinball table: If you can't see the video embedded above, please click here. Deadpool's pinball table comes with a couple of unique modes. There's a Blind Mode in which only the ball, flippers, and target lanes are visible (thanks for that, Blind Al). There's also a new mode where Deadpool goes against "some of his most nefarious enemies: raging comic book fans!" Deadpool is set to make his pinball debut next week, on June 25 in Zen Pinball 2 for Mac and on June 26 in Zen Pinball and Marvel Pinball for iOS. Later this summer, Zen Studios is scheduled to release a pinball table based on the first season of Telltale’s Walking Dead: The Game, itself based on the “Walking Dead” comic book series written by Robert Kirkman.