Apalon Apps releases Calc One iPad calculator app featuring 'natural' numeric keypad
The lack of a built-in calculator app has long been among the glaring omissions on iPad. Fortunately, a great many third-party developers have risen to the occasion with their own iPad calculator apps. One of the latest to do so is Apalon Apps, the developer of Calculator Pro, with its new app called Calc One.
“Having one of the most popular calculator apps on iPad (Calculator Pro) the team has spent much time analyzing how to improve the experience of using a calculator on a modern device such as iPad,” Apalon Apps says. “We’ve come up to a solution which includes a number of features different from traditional calculators.”
At first glance, Calc One looks like Apple’s quick and simple iPhone Calculator app scaled up for iPad. But it actually offers a number of distinguishing features.
First off, there’s Calc One’s “natural” numeric keypad. Instead of the conventional inverted-number-order calculator layout, Calc One has a phone-like layout, which, according to Apalon Apps, is “more natural for users now in the era of phones.”
Being an engineer, I’ve long been used to the traditional calculator layout. I may have to reorient myself when using Calc One’s unconventional numeric keypad. But perhaps a lot of users will appreciate the correspondence between the app’s numeric keypad and a phone’s.
Like its predecessor, Calc One has two calculator modes: standard and scientific. But the new app provides a new Smart Bar, which offers access to the most recently used scientific functions in both portrait and landscape modes.
Calc One also includes the following features:
- Get instant results as you calculate
- Increased performance thanks to rearranged layout and calculation enhancements
- Interactive calculation history
- Wide Color selection to perfectly fit your preferences
- iOS 8 compatible
- The app size is less then 11 mb!
Check out AppAdvice’s Calculators For The iPad AppGuide for more notable iPad calculator apps.