Election Day 2014: Who’s clumsier with their iPhones, Republicans or Democrats?
It’s Election Day in the United States, which means it’s time for the release of SquareTrade’s annual Clumsiest States Index. The study who is the clumsiest with their mobile devices — Republicans or Democrats.
According to SquareTrade’s CMO Ty Shay:
With Election Day right around the corner, we immediately noticed the symmetry at the top and bottom of this year’s rankings: the ten clumsiest states are comprised of six red states and four blue states, and vice versa for the ten least clumsy states. But regardless of your political persuasion, device damage is clearly on the rise; we hope that as we move into the busy holiday season, Americans keep their devices safe and protected.
In other words, it looks like Republicans are clumsier than Democrats with their mobile devices.
See also: The next wave of iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus launches is almost here, Sam’s Club to offer iPhone 6 and iPad Air at $100 off during special sale event on Nov. 15, and Apple’s iPhone 6 set to be big hit in Samsung’s home turf of South Korea.