Check out the chart-topping Trivia Crack and win a $10 iTunes gift card
AppAdvice has teamed up with Etermax, our latest AppAdvice Daily sponsor, to give you another crack at winning a giveaway. Last time, we gave you the chance to win premium copies of Trivia Crack, Etermax's chart-topping trivia game for iOS. Now, in celebration of Trivia Crack's having reached No. 1 on the App Store charts, we're offering you the chance to win iTunes gift cards, which you can use right within Trivia Crack.
Trivia Crack is a fun trivia game that features cute collectible characters. You play by spinning a wheel to let chance choose from the game's six categories: history, art & literature, science & technology, geography, entertainment, and sports. You then have to correctly answer the question for the selected category in order to collect the corresponding character.
“But knowledge is not enough to win!” Etermax notes. “Trivia Crack is also a game of strategy: you can obtain characters from your opponents if you challenge them on a duel! If the wheel stops at the the special slot, you'll be able to choose between playing for a character or challenging your opponent so you can get one of his. Additionally, Trivia Crack includes four Power-Ups that will help you get the correct answer to the most difficult questions.”
Trivia Crack recently received an update that optimized the game for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, and improved its support for iOS 8.
Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad running iOS 6.0 or later, Trivia Crack is available to download free of charge for the ad-supported version and for $2.99 for the ad-free version.
If you can’t see the video embedded above, please click here.
To have a chance at winning one of three $10 iTunes gift cards to be used in Trivia Crack, just follow AppAdvice on Twitter and tweet the following message:
I’ve entered to win an iTunes gift card courtesy of Trivia Crack and @AppAdvice. And you can too! #TriviaCrackGiveaway
If you're not yet on Twitter, sign up for a free account right now.
By tweeting the message above, you’ll earn one entry into our giveaway, the winners of which will be picked randomly. You can earn an additional entry by leaving a relevant comment below. All entries must be received before Dec. 15 at 11:59 p.m. PDT. Good luck!