Microsoft's Snipp3t now lets you tag your celebrity news snippets
Microsoft has issued a notable update to Snipp3t, one of the products out of its Garage idea incubator.
Released in August, Snipp3t (pronounced “Snippet”) is an entertainment news app that “snips” stories about your favorite celebrities from all over the Web and puts them in one place for you to also “snip” and share with your friends and other fans.
And following its latest update, Snipp3t now lets you tag the news image with any of the preset reactions (LOL, Like, WOW, OMG, Fail, Aww) or with your unique message when snipping a story. Also, it now saves all of your own snippets or “snips” in your profile for quick and easy access.
The app now also notifies you when someone responds to any of your snips so that you can keep the conversation going, and allows you to share other users’ snips via Facebook and Twitter.
Snipp3t is available on the App Store for free.
It’s optimized for iPhone and iPod touch running iOS 7.0 or later, but it’s not yet updated with full resolution support for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus.
Snipp3t was updated last month with a Today widget for showing top headlines right within the Notification Center in iOS 8 and with support for displaying Twitter and Instagram posts right within the homepage.
See also: Microsoft updates Bing with new design for iPhone and iOS 8 extensions for iPad, Microsoft Xim now lets you cast photo streams to Apple TV and other big screens, and Skype Qik updated with new video menu, iPhone 6 support and frosty holiday surprise.
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