Keep your kids learning this summer with Brainventures
While I’m glad my two children are on summer vacation, I want to make sure that they don’t completely shut off their brains during the time away and forget information when the new school year begins.
And a new app, aptly named Brainventures, wants to help keep children’s minds sharp by teaching them exactly what is going on inside their head.
“Inside Out” for real
Designed for ages 7 to 10, think of the game like a different take on Pixar’s hit movie “Inside Out.” Using Brainventures, gamers start by taking the role of a brain cell inside of a child’s brain. They will then progress through quests and a number of other mini games. They’ll also become friends with other neurons in a quest to reach the vaunted Hall of Brain.
Here’s a quick promo video that shows the game in action. Click here if you can’t see it. The game was designed by a team of neuroscience and education experts.
Final word
Brainventures is a universal app designed for the iPhone/iPod touch and iPad/iPad mini. It can be downloaded now on the App Store for free.
With an in-app purchase of $4.99 you can unlock an upgrade that includes five new quests and three new games that include more than 40 new levels.
So far, my daughter has definitely enjoyed playing Brainventures, and I’ll make sure she continues to play it while enjoying her summer.
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