Get ready to rumble in Real Boxing 2 coming later this year
Boxing fans take note. Developer Vivid Games has recently released a spectacular trailer for its upcoming title Real Boxing 2.
The sequel uses the Unreal Engine 4, and it definitely shows.
Without further ado, here’s the complete trailer. Click here if you can’t see it.
In the game, you will be able to compete in a single-player and multiplayer Career Mode. You’ll be able to spar in a number of bouts and challenge different bosses to earn rewards. There will also be a set of robust fighter creation tools with four different character classes and hundreds of different items to adorn your fighter.
While there’s no official release date, Vivid said the title will arrive sometime in 2015. It will be free-to-play.
If you’re interested in learning more about the game, you can sign up for free to be part of the game’s VIP Club. Most importantly, members will be able to participate in beta testing of the game, snag unique gear for their boxer, and receive an exclusive in-game starter bonus.
To tide you over, the original Real Boxing can be downloaded now on the App Store for free. It’s universal for the iPhone/iPod touch and iPad/iPad mini. There are a number of in-app purchase opportunities available. An update to that game earlier this month brought a new Arcade Mode, a new minigame, and other improvements.
I’ve been a big fan of the original Real Boxing, and the sequel looks stunning. We’ll let you know when we receive any more information about the game.
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