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Tim Chaten

Tim Chaten

Tim Chaten is the host, writer and producer of the daily Apple news podcast iWake with AppAdvice and writes many of the AppGuides and AppLists found here on AppAdvice. Tim spends most of his day discovering new apps and staying up to date with news in the tech world.
Latest from Tim
How-To: Transferring Your iPad's Data Plan To iPad 2

How-To: Transferring Your iPad's Data Plan To iPad 2

Many iPad 3G owners may want to transfer their current data plan to the new iPad 2. You could simply wait until the end of the month to cancel your current plan (unless you want to keep your unlimited data plan). Or, you could get everything transferred over on day one. AT&T provided us with a step by step guide on how to do this ...

Tim Chaten
New AppGuide: Instrument Tuners For The iPhone

New AppGuide: Instrument Tuners For The iPhone

Tuner apps for the iPhone have become really popular due to. The iPhone's compact size and extremely accurate microphone make it a fantastic tool. There is some great instrument tuning apps out there. We take a look at the best ones in this AppGuide.

Tim Chaten
New AppGuide: Music Composition Apps For The iPhone

New AppGuide: Music Composition Apps For The iPhone

Composing on the iPhone is something we would only recommend for times of true need. The iPhone is more of a pocketable notepad for composers on the go. With the right apps, it can be great for that purpose. We have sorted through the App Store and have found some great options, laid out for you in this AppGuide.

Tim Chaten
 AppAdvice Podcast Widgets Now Available!

AppAdvice Podcast Widgets Now Available!

We are pleased to announce the availability of two brand new Dashboard Widgets for our AppAdvice podcasts. These widgets allow you to stream both AppAdvice Daily and AppAdvice Live! from the Mac dashboard ...

Tim Chaten
New AppGuide: Lightsaber Apps For The iPhone

New AppGuide: Lightsaber Apps For The iPhone

Lightsaber apps have been a big hit on the iPhone ever since the App Store launched. There are tons of them available. Some of these are official ones and some are non-licensed ones. We compare the best ones out there in this AppGuide.

Tim Chaten
New AppGuide: Star Wars Games For The iPhone

New AppGuide: Star Wars Games For The iPhone

Many people love a good Star Wars game. The iPhone has several options. There are games for those that like to dogfight in X-Wings and those that like a lightsaber battle. We take a look at the best Star Wars games out there in this AppGuide.

Tim Chaten
New AppGuide: Metronome Apps For The iPad

New AppGuide: Metronome Apps For The iPad

Metronomes have become very advanced through apps available on the iPhone. The iPad opens up another world of opportunities through its larger screen. We compare the best ones out there in this AppGuide.

Tim Chaten
New AppGuide: Tax Apps For The iPhone

New AppGuide: Tax Apps For The iPhone

The iPhone can be a great tool to assist you with preparing and filing your taxes. There are some apps that can estimate how much you will need to pay or get back this year and one that can even file your taxes for you.

Tim Chaten
New AppGuide: Soundboard Apps For Podcasters And DJs

New AppGuide: Soundboard Apps For Podcasters And DJs

Soundboard apps are fantastic tools for both DJs and podcasters. The idea behind these apps is that you have preset sounds that you can simply tap at an appropriate moment in a show. There are some really great soundboard apps and some not so good apps. We take a look at the iPad apps that will be especially useful for DJs and podcasters in this AppGuide.

Tim Chaten
New AppGuide: Tumblr Apps For The iPhone

New AppGuide: Tumblr Apps For The iPhone

Tumblr is a fantastic blogging service. There are a bunch of great apps for the iPhone that let you create new content, follow others, and much more. If you are a Tumblr user with an iPhone or iPod touch, you'll want to check out this AppGuide.

Tim Chaten
New AppGuide: Teleprompter Apps For The iPad

New AppGuide: Teleprompter Apps For The iPad

Those looking to invest in an expensive teleprompter may not have to. The iPad has tons of apps available that will turn it into a teleprompter. The price ranges from only a few bucks to around 10 bucks for the more fully featured apps. We compare the best ones out there in this AppGuide.

Tim Chaten