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Apple Announces Three New Data Security Features Coming Soon

December 7, 2022

Apple has just announced three new security features coming soon for its devices.

Improving Data Security on Apple Devices

Improving Data Security on Apple Devices

First up is Advanced Data Protection for iCloud. Apple’s cloud service has previously offered end-to-end encryption for 14 categories by default including passwords in iCloud Keychain and Health data.

With end-to-end encryption, the data can only be read by your device. Even if that information was obtained by a third party, it would be unreadable.

Now, you can protect 23 different data categories with end-to-end encryption including iCloud Backup, Notes, and Photos. The only major categories not covered are iCloud Mail, Contacts, and Calendar because of the need to work with other systems.

You’ll need to opt-in to Advanced Data Protection for iCloud. It will arrive with the official release of iOS 16.2, iPadOS 16.2, and macOS 13.1. All of those software updates are slated to arrive something this month. The feature will be available in the United States to begin and roll out globally early next year.

The two other features, iMessage Contact Key Verification, Security Key for Apple ID will arrive in 2023 globally.

iMessage Contact Key Verification allows you to verify that you’re actually messaging with the people you intend. Designed for users like journalists and members of government, the feature adds another level of security.

When two users with iMessage Contact Key Verification enabled, they will receive automatic alerts if someone was every able to eavesdrop on the encrypted communication. It’s even possible to compare a Contact Verification Code in person, on FaceTime, or through another secure call.

Security Keys will enhance two-factor authentication for an Apple ID. You’ll be able to use a third-party hardware security key to use as one of the factors. That will offer an advanced level of security to protect your Apple ID and prevent an attacker from obtaining a second factor from a phishing scam.